Monday, November 5, 2007

Upcoming Election Choices


Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Footage From Mess-O-Potamia

Since Iraqi resistance leaders don't get onto CNN or Fox News too often (other than a few brief clips of clerics spewing the usual "Death to America" message), most are left without hearing their side of the story. Before you neo-cons orgasm with outrage and disgust, I am certainly not a terrorist and do not advocate violence against US troops (I have dear friends in the services, some in Iraq as I write this) but I think the people of America should see this, to better understand why this war hasn't been the cakewalk that the neo-cons promised it would be.

I found this video on YouTube, entitled "A Message From the Iraqi Resistance":

Monday, October 1, 2007

Against the North American Union

Recently, so-called trade and security agreements between the United States, Mexico, and Canada are bringing the three countries together towards the ultimate goal of establishing a European Union-like system in North America, with borders essentially disintergrating and "free trade" allowing large corporations to make millions, while the majority of Americans are left with the economic burden of it all, not to mention a loss of soveriegnty and plenty more illegal immigration. In effect, America as we know it will cease to be, sacrificed on the altar of free trade to benefit corporate greed. This MUST NOT be tolerated, and our next president needs to be someone firmly opposed to such a measure. The so-called "frontrunners"of the '08 campaign are firmly in the hands of the corporations and other nefarious lobbies, but Ron Paul and Mike Gravel, Republican and Democratic candidates respectively, are two who are not. I can only hope, for the sake of this great nation of ours, that one of these men claims victory in the coming election.

For more on this dastardly sceme: - The white-washed plans for the robbing of your liberty. - A good video, though I'm not too certain of the personal endrosements it gives at the end (with the exception of the excellent Minuteman Project)--those do not necessarily reflect my own views.

Sunday, September 30, 2007

A Post About The Posts (Probably Should Be Read First)

Rearding the posts that have appeared and will continue to appear in this blog:

Yes, I realize they are of a seemingly random nature, but then to a certain extent all genius is wild and sporadic. Some posts are of a light-hearted and humorous nature, while others are of the most severe solemnity, and many are a subtle mixture of the two. Never be certain you are reading me correctly, especially if your educational background is lacking. Also, some posts are simply speeches or exerpts from historical figures which I feel to be especially important or relevant, and thus post it online for the benefit of all.

That said, the greater expansion of your mind can continue.....

Saturday, September 29, 2007

Halo 3

Also, Halo 3 is amazing! I've been in front of the TV all day shooting aliens and infected mutants. An excellent third installment. Five out of five stars.


The game "Gun" for X-Box deserves far more credit than I've heard it given by many video game players. As one could guess from the title, the game is filled with gun violence and general gore, set in the Old West. Players go around shooting Indians, bandits, and innocent townspeople and settlers alike if they wish, drinking whiskey from a bottle to restore their health. Also, once they have shot an enemy, players have the chance to "scalp" the helpless computerized figure, which occurs onscreen with the victim's screams as the soundtrack. Finally! A game that protrays the reality of the Old West, filled with crazy drunken white men wielding pistols and rifles and shotguns and dynamite and no apparent sense of right and wrong. I give this game five out of five stars, as a devilishly fun shooter for the inner seeker of Manifest Destiny.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

On Iraq

I am vehemently opposed to the war in Iraq because it had nothing to do with what is best for the American people. Everyone knows that oil companies and other corporations, especially defense contractors, were prime motivators in luring the nation into war. Often forgotten, and ignored by the mainstream media however, was the direct security benefit to.....Israel. We apparently are such good allies, we will fight wars just to make sure our allies are safe in their own neighborhoods, even if they started the whole fight.
Now we Americans bear the burden of this, in taxes and blood, while the world is nearly united against us in rightful outrage and anger. If we don't get out soon, there will surely only be more pain and sorrow to come. Somehow though, I don't think I can trust our politicians to do this.....